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Aims and Values

Maths is an essential part of everyday life. At Eastern Green Junior School we provide a high-quality mastery maths curriculum which promotes confidence, enjoyment and inspires curiosity about maths which will stay with children throughout their lives and empower them in the future. We believe that unlocking mathematical fluency is an essential life skill for all learners and is a pre-requisite to being able to reason and solve problems mathematically.

Our intention is to develop a positive culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths that produces strong, secure learning. As a school, we recognise that the key to unlocking the potential in our children is through the development of basic mathematical skills and the understanding of mathematical concepts. At Eastern Green we use the Maths – No Problem! scheme of work which follows Singapore methods of maths teaching. By adopting a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach in our curriculum, pupils will learn through using manipulatives, models, diagrams and representations which will support their conceptual understanding and subsequent application to reason and problem solve. 

Regular maths fluency sessions ensure children are confident in their arithmetic skills. Times tables are continuously practised as children move through school, using Times Tables Rock Stars. Children are motivated to learn their times tables though gaining certificates and through competitions on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Our aim at Eastern Green Junior School is for children to enjoy mathematics, develop a positive mindset and embrace the wonderful challenges maths provides!

Programs of study