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At EGJS we believe that homework is an essential part of pupils’ learning. In line with National Curriculum requirements, homework is set and children are encouraged to, and expected to establish good homework habits from the beginning of their school life. Homework is set by teachers to support the children’s learning.

Homework is a very important part of a child’s education, and can add much to a child’s development. Homework plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment.


  • Homework is set regularly as a means of reinforcing and extending learning
  • Homework is differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils
  • Homework should be understood by pupils and parents, and not be seen as an onerous task
  • The purpose of homework is to help children develop good work and organisational habits for the future


Homework is defined as work set by the teacher to be done at home, either by the child alone or with the support of an older sibling, parent or carer. The main focus of homework will be maths and English, with occasional tasks to extend and enhance learning across the curriculum.

Homework will be set weekly in every class and includes:

  • Reading: independent reading to be done for ten minutes five times a week – parents / carers are expected to record this in the child’s reading record which will be checked on a weekly basis. We will also ensure that children read at school for ten minutes a day to support their learning. Reading diaries are monitored weekly.
  • Spellings activities (x3) on our online Spelling platform Spelling Shed. Weekly spellings practised on Spelling Shed will mirror those learned in school that week. Paper copies of all homework will be provided for any child who needs it. Spelling homework should take no longer than half an hour a week.
  • Children will need to learn all of their times tables in order to access the maths curriculum. We set weekly maths homework on Mathletics or Times Tables Rockstars, online maths programmes that will help children consolidate learning done in school. Paper copies of all homework will be provided for any child who needs it. Maths homework should take no longer than an hour a week.


All children are entitled to have homework set by their teacher, which is matched to their ability and needs. Parents are entitled to share in the learning of their child. Staff will monitor completion of homework, either by checking the Reading Diaries weekly or monitoring the tasks set online. Staff will also track how long the children are spending on the online platforms.


At EGJS, we appreciate how important the links between home and school are, and the need for us to work together to ensure a good education for all children. It is for this reason that we believe that it is important that children have homework set that will support learning within the classroom. Homework will be carefully planned to extend learning, enhance and reinforce skills and understanding, and allow children to consolidate and improve their skills further.


Through the provision of a variety of activities and approaches to homework we aim to:

  • raise standards in all curriculum areas but particularly basic skills in Maths and English
  • create a sound partnership between parents and teachers with regard to children’s learning
  • consolidate/reinforce pupils’ skills, knowledge and understanding of work covered in class
  • improve pupils’ attitudes to learning and independent learning skills


In setting and marking homework, teachers will:

  • ensure that homework is set on a weekly basis and monitor the completion of homework
  • match tasks to time and as far as possible to the abilities of the children
  • provide feedback to children on their progress
  • provide additional guidance for parents as part of termly curriculum letters, on
  • how/when homework should be completed, including web links, etc.
  • ensure that if homework is not completed at home that children have an opportunity to complete their homework in school time

We set homework for all children as a normal part of school life. We ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to the ability of the child, and we endeavour to adapt any task set so that all children can contribute in a positive way. When setting homework to pupils who are named on the SEND register, we may refer to those pupils’ Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).


At EGJS, we recognise the importance of developing a sound partnership between parents and children with reference to children’s learning. Parents and carers should ensure that their child completes the homework tasks that are set. They should help their children as and when they feel it to be necessary and provide them with the sort of environment that allows children to do their best. Parents and carers are expected to support the school in encouraging their child to complete their homework.

Parents will:

  • be encouraged to support the school’s homework policy;
  • be given feedback on how children are doing with homework through marking, during parents’ meetings and in annual reports.
  • Be expected to support school in reinforcing the expectation of homework, including supporting school when homework has not been completed

If parents / carers have any questions about homework, they should, in the first instance, contact the child’s class teacher. If they wish to make a complaint about the school homework policy, or the way in which it is implemented, parents or carers should contact the Headteacher.

If a child does not complete their homework they will be expected to do it in their own time during the school day. We ask therefore, that parents encourage and facilitate the completion of homework at home.


The Headteacher will regularly review the Policy and Guidelines on behalf of the Governing Body, alongside the whole staff team, and will monitor the quality of homework provision through planning and work scrutiny. The views of parents and carers are sought regularly and our governing body pays careful consideration to any concern that is raised by any parent.